Table of Contents

會議地點 / Venue

Center for Condensed Matter Sciences (CCMS), National Taiwan University (NTU)

校園地圖 / Campus Map

Venue↓ (Click on map to enlarge)

臺大地址 / Address

10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號
電話總機 (Phone):+886-2-3366-3366

National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C.)
Phone: +886-2-3366-3366 Fax: +886-2-2362-7651

交通方式 / Transportation

搭乘計程車 / By Taxi


Most taxi drivers might not know about the exact location of CCMS. The nearest landmark around CCMS is the NTU Sports Center (Chinese: 台大綜合體育館) at the corner of Xinsheng S. Rd. (新生南路) and Xinhai Rd. (辛亥路). The CCMS building is located right next to the Sports Center.

如何從臺灣桃園國際機場前往臺灣大學:From Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to National Taiwan University

自行開車 / By Car


Parking service is available at the NTU Sports Center (Chinese: 台大綜合體育館) next to the venue CCMS. The entrances are located on Xinsheng S. Rd. (新生南路) and also on Xinhai Rd. (辛亥路).

搭乘捷運 / By MRT

離會場最近的捷運站為淡水-新店線(綠線)上的公館站(台灣大學)。公館站三號出口即通往大學廣場(台大正門)。會場(凝態中心)即位於校園北端,由大學廣場步行前往會場僅需約10分鐘:1. 從台大正門進入校園後,椰林大道上第一個交叉路口左轉走到底即達會場(沿途將經路網球場與田徑場)。2. 亦可沿校園外側直行新生南路往北至辛亥路路口,從該處側門進入校園後即可看到凝態中心。

The nearest MRT station is Gongguan station (National Taiwan University). Take the Danshui-Xindian (green) line to Gongguan station. The Main Gate of the campus (The University Promenade) is located at Exit #3. The venue CCMS is located at the north side of the campus (approximately 10 min on foot from the main gate).